Saturday, November 26, 2016


Well, the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers are packed up and headed back to Jackson with my Dad and Truman. So much to be thankful for this year and always — the love of family & friends, the opportunity to travel to beautiful landscapes, the health and ability to climb and experience the world from unique perspective. The list goes on.

My first trip to Red Rock Canyon last weekend did not disappoint. Quick trip with only a day and a half to climb, but definitely maximized the days with Elaina Arenz. I bagged my first lead on trad (SPI here I come!). Practiced building anchors, belay transitions and rope management and cruised a gorgeous 'off the grid' multi-pitch before returning to Austin on Sunday. Already scheming the next trip, Red Rock will definitely be on repeat in 2017.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Vegas baby...VEGAS! Currently packing my bags for my first trip to Red Rock. Wheels up in less than 24/hours for a four-day weekend climbing with Elaina Arenz. I promised our mutual friend Coach Seiji I'd try not to fangirl her too much. Needless to say the psych is high, and the E+F Nov playlist definitely sets the vibe. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

NOTED | 11.6.16

Despite the rain, it was still a pretty amazing weekend for climbing here in Austin, with Austin Bouldering Project hosting the first annual Southwest Boulderfest. I volunteered as a judge for Session II and was incredibly inspired by all the talent competing, including Chelsea Rude, Meagan Martin and Paul Robinson. In case you missed it, you can watch last night's finals competition here. Congrats to the winners and everyone that contributed in making the event such an outrageous success. Already looking forward to next year.

Here's a few things of note from around the Web this week...

Toughness, grace, strength and fun. It's a powerful combination

What would you do for the person you loved the most?

The magic of how to have it all. Rob Pizem shows us how to get it done. 

10 ways to climb mentally strong. 

Add Zion big wall climbing to your bucket list.

Dirtbag tricks to stay warm when it's F****** cold.